Psynamo Celebrates World Mental Health Day Wednesday 10th October 2018

The team at Psynamo celebrate mental health every day and in every way. We have been supporting individual patients, Corporate EAP programmes, NGO’s and Charities alike in Hong Kong and the Asian Pacific Region for the last decade.


Our Mission has always been “We are dedicated to the betterment of mental health and mental health awareness for all whenever possible.” We only find more reasons every day to keep doing this, what we love – empowering others to thrive in a future that they can see for themselves.

Mental health can be thought of as “Mental Hygiene”, we go to the dentist for ‘dental hygiene’, ensuring awareness and capability to make necessary changes in our life is good ‘mental hygiene’. Taking care of our bodies and our minds is a priority in life and well-being is one of the top research areas in the world at the moment.

See the World Health Organisation’s website to learn more about how we can all create and inspire awareness today and everyday.

Be sure to be your own positive advocate for your own mental health or for someone you care about – it takes only a moment and definitely can carry through a lifetime.

Wishing you good mental health!
