The Team at Psynamo Celebrate International World Thinking Day Friday 22nd February, 2019

womens-hands-together-for-international-womens-dayWhile the title “World Thinking Day” may seem a bit broad, it was initiated at the 4th World Congress of Girl Guides in 1926 as a way to encourage the girls to think about their peers around the globe and wish them well. How very ahead of their time they were!

Today, we can take this sentiment full-scale and proactively push for gender equity throughout the world. How this looks for each individual woman cannot be known until they are given the freedom to discover and pursue personal goals without the boundaries of others getting in the way. Take a moment today to just think about all that you could do, and if you feel inspired – take positive action where you can.

The Team at Psynamo provide support for girls and women in need all year round from mothers and girls in crisis, to discovering personal identity, to dealing with loss and domestic violence. Actions can be small or grand, so long as they are taken, every little action can culminate into a action for everyone.

Why wait for International Women’s Day – celebrate today by thinking about how you, men and women alike, can support any initiative that advances all of our thinking about any of the roles women play in our lives and honour those who have paved the way before us.

Flourish today and in the future!